Remember that song that goes the ankle bones connected to the leg bone, the leg bones connected to the knee bone…?
Well it’s kind of right, but not in the way you might think. Every part of your body is in fact connected but it’s your fascia holding everything together with tensile strength.
Fascia is the body’s connective tissues. An all-encompassing web found throughout the whole body. It envelops every organ, muscle, nerve and cell and it serves to both communicate information and protect the body.
Think of it like the white of an orange. There’s a thicker part in between the orange peel and the fruit and a thinner network that weaves between every slice and individual juice filled cell of that slice.
Although it’s rarely given the attention it deserves, the fascia is your richest sensory organ with approximately 250 million nerve endings. It’s what links your mind and your body, sending information about proprioception, danger or threats and interoception.–Basically what we feel with our body, where we are in space, what we perceive and how we feel within ourselves.
And yet it doesn’t show up on medical testing or imaging…
So imagine you have an accident, a slip or a fall. You go to the doctor and they take an x-ray and say “good news it’s not broken” and they send you on your way. But you still have pain and decreased function. Over time the pain may lessen but still it’s not quite the same as before the accident and something still feels off.
Physical and emotional traumas can cause a change in the structure of the fascia, resulting in tension and restriction. This leads to compression of the nerves, lymph and cerebral spinal fluid impairing the body’s ability to move energy, detox and its overall strength and mobility. A tight and toxic body, ultimately leading to dysfunction and dis-ease.
Now think for a moment what tension in a certain area might mean. For example a restriction around the chest could lead to breathing issues. A baby that feels tight or uncomfortable in their body could be labeled as “colicky.” Tension in the mouth could lead to latch or breast feeding struggles or speech issues. A child with an interruption in sensory communication could develop sensory processing disorders. A restriction in the ankle can lead to knee pain. A restriction around the heart could result in irregular heart rhythms… and on and on we could go just like that song (Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones… is it stuck in your head yet?)
That’s where craniosacral fascial therapy comes in. A gentle hands-on approach to allow the body to process and unwind those tensions and restrictions allowing your body to release and restore optimal functioning.
Take a moment to check in with yourself. How does it feel to be in your body right now? Are there areas of tension, discomfort or tightness? Have you been struggling with ongoing symptoms that no one seems to have answers for? If so, would you like to address them?
I offer whole-person centered care designed to support your body’s natural healing process and help you restore balance and optimal functioning. Book your session with me here. While I work with people of all ages, I’m most passionate about helping mothers and families achieve lasting generational wellness.
Learn more about how tensions in the fascia can lead to symptoms in your body and how craniosacral fascial therapy (CFT) can help at Dr. Gillespie’s website here.