Hi there! I’m Elizabeth,

and I believe generational wellness and a beautiful life is your birthright.


Millennial mom, ER RN, certified holistic nurse, craniosacral fascial therapist and integrative wellness coach.

As an ER RN, certified holistic
nurse (HNB-BC) and health and wellness coach, with over 16 years experience in healthcare, I watch discouraged mom after discouraged mom come in with real symptoms only to be turned away after the typical testing comes back normal. 

It wasn’t until my own complete unraveling that I truly understood on a personal level:

Your body is holding onto stress, trauma, and tension in ways that traditional healthcare often overlooks.

That’s when I turned to Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT)—a gentle, hands-on modality with powerful results that gets to the root of these struggles and helps your body unwind and release what it’s been carrying for far too long.

Maybe You’ve Been Here Too?

My path took an unexpected turn in 2019, when everything I thought I could handle suddenly became too much. At the time, I was balancing night shifts in the ER, caring for a toddler and a newborn, and managing the everyday demands of family life. I was burning the candle at both ends, running on caffeine and sheer willpower.

I told myself, “This is just what moms do. I’ll get through it.” 

But one night during a busy ER shift, I felt my heart start racing. Standing there in the med room, I suddenly thought, “What if something happens to me right here, right now?” My heart was pounding, my chest was tight, and in that moment, I realized I wasn’t okay. The stress and exhaustion had finally caught up with me.

The experience shook me to my core. For the first time, I recognized the disconnect between the life I was living and the healthy, peaceful life I truly wanted.

I had been treating patients in the ER for years, watching them come and go with symptoms that couldn’t be fully explained by conventional medicine. I realized that many of my patients—and myself included—weren’t just dealing with physical issues. We were dealing with stress, emotional strain, and trauma that were embedded deep within our bodies, silently impacting our health.

The experience shook me to my core. For the first time, I recognized the disconnect between the life I was living and the healthy, peaceful life I truly wanted.

Even though on the outside I looked healthy, inside I just knew something wasn’t right. After years of searching for answers I discovered craniosacral fascial therapy (CFT) and I truly believe this is the missing link to the healing I was searching for.

Then when I started to notice symptoms showing up in my children, I knew something had to change:

Women who have experienced their own crisis, who sat in medical offices, doing their best to advocate for themselves or their children, knowing something wasn’t right, only to be told, "good news! Your tests came back normal" and left without answers.

Emotional burdens don’t show up on a chart. Generational trauma doesn’t show up on a chart. And, unfortunately, that gut feeling deep inside you that something is wrong doesn't show up on a chart. 

I have talked to so many women like you.

Not only do I work ask a nurse and cranialsacral fascial therapist, but do my best to practice an intentional, slow way of living with my family.

I believe in the profound connection between our lifestyle choices and our overall well-being. 

Through unschooling my three children, spending tons of time outside, traveling, or bridging the gap between modern medicine and our inner and emotional health, my mission is to bring thriving health and wellness to as many families as possible.

A Little More About Me:

certifications and stats:

Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Viterbo University 2013
⇨ Transformative Nurse Coach, The Nurse Coach Collective 2022
⇨ Gillespie Approach™ Craniosacral Fascial Therapy Foundations     Training, 2023
⇨ Holistic Nurse Baccalaureate Board Certified, 2024

surprisinG fact:

not into:

if i have (rare) spare time, I'm:

I can talk about forever:

I was a 4x state power lifter in high school

Exercising at home. A boutique fitness or yoga studio is my jam!

Sneaking off to a coffee shop to read

Wholistic health and the Gospel :)

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